Alexis’s Story


In the heartwarming tale of 11-year-old Alexis, a single screening event became the turning point in her life. Her mother, a medical professional, brought her to our Heartfelt screening on April 1st after Alexis complained of chest pain and difficulty breathing during her strenuous gymnastics workouts. Thanks to our screening, we swiftly identified the cause of Alexis’s symptoms, providing essential support as her family embarked on a challenging journey with a pediatric cardiologist. Today, we’re thrilled to share the incredible news that Alexis is scheduled for surgery on May 4th, a testament to the power of early detection and community support. We kindly ask that you keep Alexis and her family in your thoughts and prayers as she continues her courageous heart journey.

None of this would have been possible without the dedication and tireless efforts of our extraordinary Heartfelt team. Their unwavering commitment to protecting young lives shines as a beacon of hope, and we are immensely grateful for their hard work. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children like Alexis, offering them the support, care, and love they need to conquer any obstacle. Special thanks go to Suzette Hall Logan’s Legacy for their invaluable support and to our Heartfelt Champion, Keyontae Johnson, and the Kostelac Family for standing by us in this noble mission. Let’s continue to send love and prayers to our little heart warrior princess, Alexis, as she takes her courageous steps towards recovery.

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